Thursday, January 17, 2008


Did you read my post last week? Did you pray for me? If so, you are in for a blessing. :) Cold? Gone. Patience? Provided. Music class today? Fun fun fun! God is Jehovah Jireh- my provider! Isn't it great to see Him answer prayer?

Now you may be wondering about my last request- which was for the language. Well- God has a funny way of teaching us sometimes. At my language class on Tuesday we started a new exercise called "grupos" which is basically translating and saying several phrases in Portuguese in about 20 seconds. I'm not going to lie, I did alright. My friend, Danielle, who is taking the lessons with me did even better. So we were feeling pretty good about our Portuguese... until last night, when the telephone repairman who spoke NO English and on top of that spoke Brazilian Portuguese showed up at our house. When you don't understand what someone said and you want them to repeat it, you say, "Como??" I said como a LOT. It was humbling, to say the least. :) However, it was another adventure in the language and we were able to tell him that we're American, have only been here about 4 months, that I teach second grade at an English speaking school and that Danielle is a nanny for 2 kids. That's sure a lot more than we were able to say 4 months ago! AND our phone is fixed. :)

So, in other news, I was asked today to speak at the high school girls' Bible Study about singleness. Somewhere inside of me, I knew that was coming... at some point. I guess when you're about 30 years old and single, it's time for you to start relaying what God has taught you through it. I am glad to be able to encourage the younger girls in the fact that God is still- never has stopped being, always has been, and always will be faithful. I do feel like there is much He has taught me. However there is of course, no end to learning. There's also the tiny little prick in your heart when you are asked to talk about being something you had never planned on being. Thankfully this talk isn't until the end of March so I should have plenty of time to let the Lord prepare me. I pray that He will use something I say- even if it's just something small- to teach or encourage even just one girl. I like to think of these times as my "Esther Moments"- maybe I have been placed here for such a time as this. :)

So that's all for now, we're about to sit down to dinner. I miss you all and will write more next week!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, as any good person would do, I am beginning this new year with a resolution to update my blog more regularly. I want to make sure I keep you all informed of the great things that are happening here in Portugal, but also the ways that I need prayer.

After a wonderful holiday home in the States for two weeks, I'm back here in Portugal now. This week we jumped right back into things. School was back in session on Monday and we've had what has seemed like a slow week of getting back into the swing of things. Today I was able to teach my first real music class since beginning here. Up until now I had been preparing the kids for the Christmas program, but now with that out of the way, we can work on musical concepts. I had a ton of fun doing that today, but I'm not so sure the kids did! I hope to be able to make music a fun time for them in the coming weeks. Music is an important part of worship and I want them to enjoy it!

In case you were unaware, I've been taking Portuguese lessons twice a week for about 3 months now. This past Tuesday was my first lesson again after a two week break and it was hard to get my brain back in gear! However, God gave me the time and desire to study over the break and the lesson this Tuesday was very encouraging as I realized that I knew many more words than I had previously. I was also encouraged yesterday as I recognized more words out and about town.

Tomorrow is the ABWE Portugal Field Counsel's annual meeting. I will get to hear yearly reports of how God has been working here on this field. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the other missionaries again and hearing what God has been doing in their various ministries.

Ways you can pray right now are:
1.) That I will have patience and wisdom in teaching the boys in my class. It has been difficult for all of us to get back into school and my frustration level has skyrocketed on various occasions this week. I am an up-front example of Christianity for them- so I ask for prayer that I would be a good one.

2.) That God would allow me to learn the Portuguese language as quickly as possible. I am missing out on building relationships with many Portuguese until I can learn their language.

3.) That God would give me physical strength and health. I've been dealing with a cold again this week that seems to keep coming back.

Okay, that's all for now!