Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In case you were wondering, Germany is awesome...

I had the blessing of Spring Break this past week! My roommate and fellow teacher had sometime back suggested we go to Germany over Spring Break. Leslie is an MK who grew up in Germany and her parents, Rodney and Lindy Kidd, are still faithfully ministering there in Mannheim. They graciously took me, our new roommate and student teacher, Sarah Lounsbrough, and Leslie’s friend (Cedarville student!), Lindsey Lehmann, into their home for the week.

We were in southwest Germany – about an hour south of Frankfurt in the town of Mannheim. Not far away is Heidelberg where we saw and walked around a beautiful old castle and also did some shopping. We were also able to visit Rothenberg, which is a small walled town preserved to look as it did in the Middle Ages. In Speyer we were able to visit three different cathedrals, my favorite being the one constructed as a memorial to the Reformation. There was a statue of Martin Luther outside and the most beautiful collection of stained glass windows I’d ever seen. In all the different towns we visited, we were able to visit 6 different cathedrals. Definitely the most I’ve seen in such a short period of time! They were each beautiful in their own different ways.

Another wonderful part of the week was the opportunity we had to worship with the Germans on Palm Sunday and Good Friday. Their worship is not all that different from what you would expect in the States- we sing the same songs. Unfortunately for me, they were all in German so it was difficult to sing along! It was wonderful to be welcomed in that church and to speak with so many after the service (ah English, the international language). We were greeted with such friendliness that I will not soon forget.

The food was awesome. We had a good deal of wiener schnitzel and shared many different types of baked goods. It made me feel at home to see soft pretzels and bratwursts everywhere!

Probably my favorite part of this vacation was the time I got to spend with the Kidd family. It is amazing to me how we have one Father and how He unifies us as part of His family all over the world. They made me miss my own earthly Dad, Mom and younger brother. They made me feel so at home and it refreshed my spirit just to be with them. I think this is the thing for which I am most thankful, because it is that deep part of us that needs to be recharged when we have a break, and God provided that through the Kidds.

Well, I could write on and on about my experiences in Germany but for this post you will have to be satisfied to know that of all the places I have been so far in Europe, Germany is my favorite. I’m writing this from the airport on my 4 ½ hour layover in Madrid, waiting to go back to Lisbon. I revel in the place that God has put me that I can’t wait to teach tomorrow. God has brought me so much joy.

Until next time, Tschüß!

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